Learn More With Our Scribbling Instructors

Unconventional, virtual classroom based education to make you from NEET to NEAT! With the Stob Reinberg Online College of Doodling, students are given the freedom of learning art without ever having to make your teacher feel human. Founded in 1993 by Hank Stobreinberg III, this institute has made its promise to both educate and titillate the public with the first ever Online college. At least we assume so. It is recommended that students watch this exact lecture once a week for four years and then email the Dean for a diploma. Donations from Alumni are vastly appreciated.

Dean and Founder
Rob Steinberg

Director of Associate Doodling
Brandon Kosters

Founder of Music Department And The Song “It’s Now Safe To Turn Off Your Computer”
Angel Marcloid/Fire-Toolz

Adjunct Professor of The Portrait Painting
John Kilduff of Let’s Paint TV

Head of Audio Department
George Costas

Head of Camera Department
Kenny Reed and Elias Mason

Temporal Subconscious Custodian Who Slips Visions Into Professors
Randall Wayne Parker

All lectures recorded at CanTV